Travel Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Alpine Touring – What You Need to Know Before You Go

What is Alpine Touring

Alpine Touring, often referred to as AT or ski mountaineering, is a unique and exhilarating outdoor activity that combines elements of skiing and mountaineering. It involves traveling through snowy terrain, ascending slopes using special bindings that allow for heel movement, and descending back down, all within the breathtaking backdrop of alpine landscapes.

Why Alpine Touring is a Popular Activity

The surge in popularity of Alpine Touring can be attributed to its immersive experience amidst untouched natural beauty. Unlike traditional skiing, AT allows adventurers to explore remote and untracked terrain, offering a sense of freedom and a deeper connection with nature.

This comprehensive guide aims to equip beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike with essential knowledge, skills, and resources necessary for a safe and enjoyable Alpine Touring experience. From gear essentials to safety considerations and environmental consciousness, this guide covers every aspect to ensure you’re well-prepared before hitting the slopes.

Essential Gear for Alpine Touring

Winter in the mountains can be breathtakingly beautiful, but it can also be an incredibly hostile environment. Having the right gear can make all the difference in your ability to navigate and survive in the backcountry. Whether you’re an experienced skier or a novice, specialized equipment such as skis, boots, and bindings can set you up for success in challenging conditions. Additionally, climbing skins can help you climb steep terrain, while avalanche rescue equipment and communication devices can help ensure your safety in an emergency. While acquiring the necessary gear may seem daunting, don’t worry – we’re here to provide guidance on what you need to stay safe and enjoy all that the mountains have to offer.

Skis and Bindings

The right touring skis with AT bindings offer mobility and stability. Alpine Touring skis are designed to be light and maneuverable, ideally suited for backcountry exploration. Additionally, the AT bindings allow you to easily raise your heels off the skis while keeping the toe securely locked in place. 


AT boots offer a blend of comfort and rigidity for uphill climbs and downhill descents. These are designed to give mobility when ascending and provide enough stability while descending. Unlike traditional alpine boots, AT boots have adjustable cuffs that allow the wearer greater forward movement while hiking. When choosing boots, look for ones that are compatible with your bindings and provide ample support.


These adhesive strips attach to the base of skis, providing exceptional grip that prevents slipping backward while you are climbing uphill. They allow your skis to glide smoothly on snow like bicycle tires on a road. Properly fitting and maintaining skins is vital for efficient uphill travel.

Safety Equipment

Carrying avalanche safety equipment like a shovel, probe, and first aid kit is critical to ensuring your well-being in an emergency. However, you may need a larger backpack specifically designed for the backcountry and equipped with avalanche safety technology. This type of backpack will allow you to secure your gear and carry essential items without sacrificing valuable space. 

Clothing and Equipment for Changing Weather Conditions

Wearing the appropriate layers is essential to keeping yourself comfortable and protected while enjoying the mountain. Stay warm and dry by investing in various light fabrics like moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a waterproof outer shell that can be used according to your needs.

Training and Physical Fitness

Building endurance and strength is fundamental to overcoming the challenges of Alpine touring. Prepare yourself by engaging in pre-season training and exercises focussing on cardiovascular fitness and leg strength.

Exercises to Improve Endurance and Strength

Cardio workouts like hiking, cycling, and uphill running complement strength training exercises such as squats and lunges.

Tips for Preparing Physically

Gradually increase the intensity of workouts to simulate the demands of AT. Focus on improving balance, core strength, and flexibility.

Planning Your Trip

When it comes to alpine touring, it’s essential to start with a thorough self-evaluation, which means identifying your skiing abilities, goals, and needs.

Here are a few things to consider before starting your journey.

Choosing the Right Location

Selecting an appropriate location based on skill level, terrain, and accessibility is crucial. Research and consult experienced individuals to find suitable areas.

Researching Weather Conditions and Avalanche Risks

Stay updated on weather forecasts and avalanche forecasts for the chosen area. Understand the signs of avalanche danger and terrain risks.

Creating a Trip Itinerary

Plan a detailed itinerary considering travel time, routes, rest stops, and emergency exit points. Share the itinerary with someone responsible who isn’t on the trip.

Packing Essentials

Aside from alpine touring ski package gear, carry essentials like food, water, first aid kits, navigation tools, and emergency supplies.

Safety Considerations

The backcountry environment has unique variables, and taking a safety course is a wise investment to ensure you have the necessary skills and knowledge to tackle them. Furthermore, having a reliable crew can make your adventure memorable. If you are new to Alpine touring, avoiding solo skiing is better, and you must have an established, trustworthy group for safe backcountry skiing. Your safety in the backcountry is not worth risking, and you must always follow the guidelines set by professionals and local authorities. 

Here are a few tips to ensure your safety in the backcountry.

Understanding Avalanche Awareness and Safety

Education about avalanche terrain, snowpack assessment, and rescue techniques is critical. Always practice safe travel protocols in avalanche-prone areas. Before heading out, check avalanche forecasts and be prepared with the right equipment, such as avalanche transceivers, probes, and shovels. Knowing how to use this equipment is just as crucial as having it. 

Take an avalanche course. Various organizations in the U.S. offer avalanche courses that include basic awareness programs to advanced training for professionals. These courses will educate you on topics like snow science, risk assessment, decision-making in avalanche terrain, and rescue techniques. Some well-known providers include the American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE) and the National Ski Patrol.

Tips for Traveling in a Group

Stay in visual or radio contact, communicate regularly, and adhere to group decisions. Establish emergency protocols and practice rescue scenarios.

  • Navigation and Route Finding
  • Develop map-reading and navigation skills. Use GPS devices, maps, and compasses to navigate accurately.
  • Staying Informed about Weather Conditions
  • Continuously monitor changing weather patterns during your trip. Be prepared to alter plans based on weather forecasts.

Techniques and Skills for Alpine Touring

Alpine touring is something to be planned over time. It requires training and learning skills to avoid accidents and ensure safety. When facing unpredictable situations, your prior training will give you the confidence to conquer roadblocks and complete the adventure in time. 

Skinning Uphill

Master the art of attaching and removing skins efficiently. Practice different skinning techniques for varied terrains.

Efficient Skiing Techniques

Learn efficient skiing techniques suitable for different snow conditions and terrains. Focus on controlled descents and conserving energy.

Staying Balanced and Safe on Descents

Maintain a centered stance, anticipate terrain changes, and adapt your skiing technique accordingly. Prioritize safety over speed.

Tips for Skiing in Challenging Conditions

Develop the ability to assess risks and make quick and informed decisions. Slow down in challenging conditions and prioritize safety.

Environmental Considerations

Backcountry skiing is about enjoying nature’s bounty. Remember that we share that beauty with all the other creatures that make our world a wondrous place. So, be responsible when alpine touring and make it memorable without disturbing nature.

Leave No Trace Principles

Adhere to Leave No Trace principles by minimizing impact on the environment. Avoid disturbing wildlife, properly dispose of waste, and tread lightly.

Respecting Wildlife and Nature

Observe wildlife from a distance and respect their habitats. Minimize noise pollution and avoid disrupting natural habitats.

Minimizing Impact on Alpine Environments

Stick to designated trails to avoid damaging fragile alpine ecosystems. Avoid trampling vegetation, especially in sensitive areas.

Resources and Further Information

Explore resources that offer in-depth knowledge of AT techniques, safety, and trip planning. Online forums and communities can provide valuable insights and advice.

Professional Guides and Organizations

Consider joining guided tours or seeking training from reputable organizations. They offer structured learning and ensure safety protocols.

Local AT Communities and Clubs

Engage with local AT communities or clubs to network, gain insights, and possibly find companions for future trips. The importance of adequate preparation and knowledge cannot be overstated in Alpine Touring. It’s the key to a safe and enjoyable experience amidst nature’s wonders. 

In conclusion, embrace the challenges, relish the adventure, and savor every moment amidst the awe-inspiring beauty of Alpine Touring. Remember, safety and respect for the environment are paramount for both enjoyment and preservation.

Embarking on an Alpine Touring adventure is an experience like no other. By embracing this guide’s insights and recommendations, you’ll embark on your journey equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make unforgettable memories while exploring the majestic alpine landscapes. Happy touring!